Knowall IT Business Services Company of the Year!
Knowall IT support London is a well-known and established Managed services company that has been associated with many of the leading companies across the UK as their preferred partner for IT services. Offering services mostly related to leading-edge cloud-based services and technical assistance so that you when you engage with Knowall IT services you engage with the future of technology. Focusing on the provision of high-level performance at all times, Knowall It achieves superior service-provision beyond the expectation of those who entrust their IT to Knowall IT. This is something that comes as part of the package. If your business IT is not operating to its best potential or if you are looking for innovative technology to assist you to perform to your best in your business, investing in outsourced managed services is what you need to do and invest with Knowall IT simply because of their reputation for being better than the rest. A small, experience and dedicated team of employees with a global reach; Knowall IT is ready to take your queries at any time. Friendly staff are ready to assist you with any of your technical IT issues.
All of the hardware that is utilised in providing IT services are owned and managed by the company that means that our clients are guaranteed that the services on offer will always be the latest that technology has to offer. Latest software versions are automatically updated so that our company can offer your company the most improved levels of performance over and above the existing solutions that are on offer. This goes hand in hand with our 100% customer focused guarantee, which means that you come first 100% of the time. Knowall IT staff are so dedicated to offering the correct solution for you and ensuring that you receive more than you asked for when you collaborate with us. With a vast knowledge of different industries and organisations who each have their own specific needs, there is no scenario that we have not seen before which means that there is already a solution out there waiting for you to find it. Do not reinvent the wheel yourself with inferior technology – simply turn to the IT experts in Managed services.
If this isn’t enough to convince you that this is the best option for your business, here are some additional points for you to consider:
- This London based team is available twenty-four seven for around the clock access every single day of the year
- As a trusted IT Partner, the responsibility of all your IT needs and projects, is ours from the moment you sign up, no matter your IT history
- Access IT engineers who will be at your site within 1 hour if the problem is something that cannot be resolved by the Helpdesk or first level support
- Avoid waiting in the queue to speak to a technician – immediate access to our qualified helpdesk expert
- Constant communication will keep you up to date and informed of what is happening in the world of IT and if this affects your business, you will know about it first
Our clients are King, and we harvest long-term relationships with our clients ensuring the Knowall IT is the ONLY Managed IT service provider you will ever need.
Knowall IT Support Services that Deliver Business Impact
The majority of companies across the UK are making the move to using IT Managed Services because in turn, the business world is becoming more and more reliant on IT and how it enables a business to be achieve its full potential. For someone currently in their mid-forties, you would have witnessed the growth and development of information technology in your business and work lives, as well as in your personal lives. Those who on the fore-front of the development of IT speak with fondness when remembering the first IBM data processing systems which is said to have weighed some five tons and filled the space of an entire cold room which can these days be dedicated to hundreds of servers, routers and switches. The IBM bragged a storage space of a colossal 16 kilobytes when it was first introduced to the public in 1959! Thought to be the most powerful piece of equipment humans had ever seen in all of history and astounded users around the world.
In the last three decades alone, the world has seen IT become the fastest growing and most innovative industry with unprecedented strides in development. Back in the early 1990’s there was no such thing as the internet and when it first became available to households, anyone who was there to witness that will never forget the wails and squealing sounds made as we waited to hear whether our modem had successfully connected. These days however, one gets frustrated when the internet is off line or if the software on the computer hangs… imagine the patience it used to take in the days of the modem and then you realise just how far IT has brought us.
Managed IT support London is a competitive place to be but more and more companies are looking for IT business partners who are ahead of the curve when it comes to the IT products and services they provide and this is what makes Knowall IT West London one of the best in the business. Always ahead of the times, award-winning Knowall IT provides innovative solutions to the specific needs of every one of their clients and is ready to take on your business’s IT needs when you are ready to take it to the next level. The year 2020 has proven things can change in an instant and when it does, the information technology industry is at the core of the myriad of technological solutions which support the on-going growth and development of your company. Cloud based services are the pinnacle of these support services and one of the main reasons why a business should only ever consider a managed IT service provider such as Knowall IT Support Paddington.
One of the main reasons for this is due to the cost effectiveness of managed IT services. Cloud-based IT managed services are cheaper than having a full time IT technician and software developers employed at your company. Especially for any growing company, focused on their niche service, it can be an immense task to manage both your IT requirements as well as your core business. Focused on the provision of high-performance, tailored and secure hosted services to UK based organisation’s, IT is what we do!
Knowall IT – Private Cloud Computing in West London – keeping you connected
As the Coronavirus outbreak reached the UK, many of our current clients reached out to us to find out what our business continuity plan is should quarantine recommendations and travel restrictions increase to combat the spread of the virus. No one could have foreseen the massive impact that the coronavirus would make on each and every person across the globe. No matter whether you have been affected directly by contracting the virus and experiencing its catastrophic effects on the body, or whether you have been affected indirectly through the lockdown of businesses, borders and some countries as a whole, there is not one person who remains unaffected by this global event.
One that is for certain, in the business world, is that the fourth industrial revolution has come rampaging towards us and large, medium and small businesses have all been forced to find alternatives to their IT solutions as a result. Will your company manage to stay connected during this period and will your employees be able to work remotely so that they able to stay locked down and away from contagion? If you are a client of Knowall IT then the answer to these questions is yes, absolutely. And why is that? Because cloud-based computing is the hero of the day and those who have not yet made use of this technology will no doubt be experiencing sleepless nights as they watch their business slowly slide away from underneath them. Technology is making it possible for us to stay connected, whether it be via the use of computer hardware such as laptops, printers, and scanners or if it is through software that is accessible 24/7 no matter where in the world you are accessing your data from.
Want to be one of the successful businesses which remain stable and growing while others buckle under the pressure? If this is you, contact IT support west London for private cloud computing managed services which will keep your business up and running. Without cloud-based computing, your business remains disconnected from the real world of the here and now. No matter what the conditions in the economy and the financial markets, things move quickly and you cannot afford to be out of the loop, missing opportunities in which your connected competitors will snap up in a millisecond, which is how fast technology works in the 21st-century works. The systems used by Knowall IT include Remote apps (cloud), SWYX Unified Comms, Microsoft 365 apps – all of which allow excellent inter-team communication, secure access to both their own as well as the systems of their clients, regardless of location. Knowall IT’s technical solutions enable secure flexible and agile working.
Knowall IT Support Staff have the capabilities, technology, and flexibility to work from home/remotely which they are now doing so as to guarantee you the same levels of support and service as before. All client data is stored in restrictive access data centres, which will not be impacted by an outbreak, only very occasional access is required to update physical hardware. No public access is granted to these secure locations.
Find out how we can support your business, Knowall IT West London.
Phishing tips save your business from security breaches
Did you know Phishing currently accounts for 90% of data breaches with 30% of Phishing emails being opened? Most of the time these phishing scams can be prevented with a bit of simple know-how.
It’s important that you remain alert, vigilant and secure at all times. To prevent personal and business data loss.
Below are a few handy tips from our weekly phishing blog.
Tip 1 – Inspect the email display name
A major tactic that phishing criminals use is spoofing the display name of an email. For example, a criminal could setup an email to impersonate your bank. Such as:
On closer inspection, you will notice the domain name This domain name has nothing to do with your bank. This is a classic attempt of phishing.
Always check the email header. If you think its suspicious flag it and alert your IT Provider.
Tip 2 – Hover but don’t click!
Scammers love to embed malware within links in the email copy. The link looks legitimate until you click it and it’s too late. A simple trick is to simply hover you mouse over the link. And take note of the full link displayed. If the full link it looks suspicious rather flag and delete the email.
Tip 3 – Look out for personal or company detail requests
Most businesses will never ask for sensitive credentials via email. And 100% of the time banks will never request any sensitive information via mail.
Any emails requesting you to email back you login credentials is an instant red flag.
Interested in safeguarding your employees & business with a comprehensive online Phishing course? Click here to contact us.
Its time to go with the best IT Support in the UK
Business is hyper-reliant on IT. Without technology, a business in this age will not be able to service its customers. And customers are the one thing that your business cannot function without. So in essence, your IT is your business. Technology infiltrates business from the moment you being to think about your new start up. From social media for exposure and search engine optimisation (SEO) thereby gaining exposure, to communication for picking up on leads and thereafter maintaining and building relationships, to developing sophisticated structures on which to sustain your business systems and processes. No matter the nature of your business, whether it be in manufacturing, retail, communications, media or any other possible industrial sector, you reply on customers and your business relies on technology.
IT support Paddington is where you can find Knowall IT who offer technologically-forward answers to your companies IT needs. Never underestimate the pace at which IT and technology is changing and adapting. This fast-changing industry offers both problems and solutions for your business. The world’s level of technology is racing ahead which is the problem that your company faces. Namely how do I offer my customer the very best service and products so that I can place myself at the front of the pack, attracting customers to my company in a consistent and sustainable manner. The answer is simple, turn to those who understand the problem intimately and who are themselves on the cusp of industry and technology with innovation. Knowall IT Support London has already developed the answer to the technological question that you are currently pondering. Going above and far beyond the world of IT as we currently see it, Knowall IT is ready for tomorrow’s technology so that when the time comes for your business to reach out for guidance and expert advice on technological challenges, there is already a solution for you.
Taking tomorrow’s technological needs one step ahead, Knowall IT only provides the best IT support you can afford while also knowing what is coming down the line, thereby providing you the best version solution to not only support your business now, but to sustain it into the ever-developing future of technology.
Your customers are looking for a service that will make business easier for them. If you are looking for the same for your business, allowing it to stay one step ahead of your customer's needs, then you have to turn to the company which can provide you with the step beyond. That is how fast life will begin to move as the forth industrial revolution infiltrates our lives. Revolution is described as a “forcible overthrow in favour of a new system”. Industry 4.0 is here and is bringing with it radical change on multiple technological fronts. If this leaves you feeling daunted and bleak in anticipating the impact that this will have on your business, then there is no time to wait. Knowall IT is excited and ready to go above and beyond regarding technological solutions for you. Get the IT Support that you cannot afford to be without.
Your IT Partner in business
Have you ever ordered seafood in a steakhouse? Or prime rib from a seafood restaurant? If you have, then you probably have experienced a poor dining experience and more than likely have left the restaurant wishing that you had ordered the fillet you fancied when you were at the steakhouse, or that calamari you coveted when in the seafood restaurant. As a general rule of thumb, if the restaurant you are frequenting is renowned for a specific type of cuisine, then stick to ordering their specialty and you are certainly more likely to get a more satisfying meal.
In the same way, if your core business isn't IT, why would you do your own IT? Sure, you may have an IT guy who has been supporting your business since inception of your business and who has been called out to your workplace from time to time to disaster manage your email emergencies, or sort out your server when the firewall goes down. Your IT guy is there when you need him but does he proactively attend to your IT issues before problems occur? Are you just moving from one firefighting situation to the next instead of moving forward in your business?
Information Technology is so fundamental to your business that when its not working at optimal performance, chances are, your staff aren't working either and that plays havoc with your profit margins. Any IT downtime doesn’t just cost you to get your IT guy in to investigate and repair the IT issue, but also valuable production time and possibly loss of customer income. The stakes are too high to risk anything less than the best IT support London.
In order to keep your business competitive in a highly aggressive business world, you may then consider creating an IT department and hiring full time technical teams to manage your fundamental information technology. However what you may not realise is how many skills are required to sustain a fully functional IT department. Chances are that you will need more than just one person to replace your IT guy as there are a variety of skills and different expertise required to sustain your company’s IT department. Consider why would you turn your “steakhouse” business into a “seafood” provider, ifyour expertise is preparing and cooking meat?
Its time to outsource your IT department to Knowall IT - a service provider who fully understands every aspect of IT support and who delivers exceptional customer service. Winners of the West London Business awards, as “Innovators in Business”, Knowall IT support acquired a reputation for providing outstanding IT solutions for your IT needs. The information technology industry is evolving at a great speed and Knowall IT support Paddington are leaders in this field. Save your company money and relieve yourself from keeping abreast of the constantly changing information technology industry. Knowall IT gives you the full solution in one reliable team, keeping your business safe from security threats, virus invasions, securing your data, ensuring your software is legal and relevant and that your hardware specs are current.
Knowall IT gives you a greater range of innovative IT solutions, saving you money, and keeping your data secure.
Keeping your IT current with Knowall Managed Services
What does IT Managed services mean to you? And why does it matter to your business? Knowall IT Support London offers managed IT services which encompass all of the solutions a company would want in order to meet all of their IT needs. This means that where there is an IT requirement, there is an IT solution or managed service that Knowall IT can offer you in order to solve, resolve or address everything pertaining to your company’s IT infrastructure.
Why this matters to your business is simple. Knowall IT Support Paddington is your one-stop-shop for IT solutions. Managed services mean that Knowall IT is your business partner, aligned to your business goals and objectives, who understands how to provide you with everything that you need in order to achieve those goals and objectives. Offering managed services doesn’t only mean providing you with your basic IT needs. This means that Knowall IT is there to manage all IT aspects of your company so that you don’t have to. Never again will you have to think about contingency plans and emergency strategies to safeguard your business from an IT malfunction. Knowall IT focuses solely on your IT as if it were their own. Costs pertaining to your managed IT is shouldered by your managed service provider which means that Knowall IT has a vested interest in ensuring that your IT is functioning optimally as well as being proactive in guaranteeing that it remains that way on any given day.
Handing over the reins of your business’s complete IT package, to Knowall IT will be the best thing for your company because, at this point, you no longer need to include this on your list of things to do. Because Knowall IT aligns to the business, this business relationship is a symbiotic one which is a mutually beneficial relationship that only works when both parties are succeeding.
What you can expect from Knowall IT is to receive concentrated attention pertaining to all of your data storage needs: remote and cloud-based technologically forward, private and independently hosted by Knowall IT to ensure that at all times, your data is accessible by you and only you. Your business benefits from the immense cost-saving that you will experience by having your IT managed remotely. Through remote services, your business no longer faces the need to budget for expensive hardware that is constantly in need of being upgraded to meet the ever-changing specs of the IT industry. This also means that you save on paying for engineers to come to your offices to work on your hardware when it comes time to repair or upgrade. Time which may be wasted resulting in downtime for your business is completely nonconstructive and in these times, quite literally unnecessary and antiquated in practice.
Step into the now and onto the platform of the future with Knowall IT managed services which offer you no surprises for your budget and maintains the integrity of your data at all times. Let our business compliment yours 24/7.
Aware-winning IT Support Company Knowall IT
What should a company look for when they are looking for a new IT provider? It’s important to understand your business’s IT needs before embarking on the search for an IT support London provider. But as the saying goes “you don’t know, what you don’t know” so where do you start going about finding out what you don’t know, so that you can make the most informed decision? After all, if you were an IT genius you wouldn’t be looking for someone else to assist you with your IT support in the first place!
Your relationship with your IT provider is a very important one, and must be based on a foundation of trust. Any IT service provider worth their salt understands the importance of technology within your business, hopefully, even better than you do and should come with new and innovative solutions to help you to use your IT effectively and efficiently. If there is an easier way to make your business work through the use of technology and innovation, while also saving you money, then why not take advantage of the benefits that they can bring to you and your customers. If your IT service provider is not able to give you the services which you require because of a lack of expertise or due to a lack in hardware or software on their part, then they are not the provider you should be spending time and money on. The key to remember about technology is that it is always improving and innovating, which means that it is easy for a business to get left behind if they do not constantly keep updating their hardware and software. Any suitable IT support company must stay ahead of the pack in order to set themselves apart from the rest or risk becoming as obsolete as a floppy disc.
One of the most important things to look for in your IT Support service provider is whether they have a good reputation in the industry. Knowall IT Support Paddington are recipients of the “Innovation in Business” award at the West London Business Awards, proving that not only do their clients appreciate their reputation as innovators in the service and IT industry, but so too do their peers within the industry in and around the UK. Knowall IT understands that each business has its own specific IT requirements. Taking a stock standard approach to all of their client’s needs would not be cost effective or appropriate for the client. Take for example a payroll company who provides a cloud-based services, experiencing constant downtime and connectivity issues, data loss or virus outbreaks. While this would be detrimental in any business, it would be of even more importance that the Payroll client receives proactive IT support, excellent network and cabling options, and most of all impenetrable firewall and security. This is where Knowall IT Paddington is proactive in ensuring they provide everything that clients thinks they need as well as the things which they did not even know about, proving just why they are award-winning.
Hosted Sage – Access anywhere, anytime – Always available
Why Sage Cloud Hosting?
Sage is the market leader in cloud business management solutions with 3 million global customers. Sage hosting is built to respond to the demands of twenty-first-century companies giving them the stability of the desktop with the flexibility of the cloud.
Sage Business Cloud offers a powerful set of cloud products for small business so convert your existing Sage software to the cloud with hosted Sage and experience the many benefits:
- Use your existing Sage licence
- Compatible with: Sage50, Sage 200, Sage Payroll... and more!
- Looks & feels the same
- Access anywhere, anytime - Always available!
- Sage Hosting is safe, secure & easy to convert
Knowall IT market leaders in small to medium size business VoIP solutions. SWYX the award winning business VoIP system that fully integrates with PC, Mobile & Tablets. Changing the way we communicate with new technologies and devices completely tailored to your business needs!
Benefits of converting to SWYX business VoIP solutions:
- Reduce call charges
- Tailored to your business needs
- Staff can make and receive calls from any location, Anytime anywhere.
- Award Winning